You are capable of greatness. Why settle for less than the best??
I work with real people like you to achieve real change, whatever that change may be, or however profound you want it to be.

I will challenge your thinking and assumptions, to unleash your best self. I am a fully trained and experienced coach, with professional credentials through the International Coach Federation.
Hi, I'm Dorothy Oliver and my friends call me Doffs. My aim in life is to influence individuals, families and communities in pursuing our most positive potential and greatness. Be all you are!
Each of us is an original. No-one who ever lived is just like you. Even identical twins are not exactly the same. We were created to achieve soar like an eagle through life. The shame is, so many cannot even get off the ground! Yet, we already have all the resources we need to accomplish our dreams in our personal, family or public life. Sadly most of us don’t know how to release those resources. I understand and can help you. Make every day count!