mBIT Coach Certification Training

Event Details
21st - 24th February 2020(Friday - Monday)
9.00am - 5.30pm
Location: Hamilton

Your Trainers
Trainers Dorothy Oliver and James Marris have both experienced the highs and lows that life and business can deliver. Through it all they have succeeded and accumulated a combined 50+ years of experience and stories.Course Costs
Some of what you’ll learn:
- Become consistently balanced in your decision-making.
- Become sharper in making wise choices that are clear, true and sustainable for life today.
- Learn how to enable positive, long-lasting changes in yourself and others. It really is time for an upgrade!
- Discover new ways to declutter your minds, making life brighter, happier and able to live in the moment.
- Making your who, what and how simple and wise and clearly understood.
- See how we get ‘stuck in a rut’ and learn new ways to get ‘un-stuck’.
- Discover how to truly tap into others – by watching and listening to what they are really saying, wanting and doing.
- Learn to calibrate people’s processes, expressions and signals to bring out their very best.
- Get balance with life as it is today, and leave the training knowing you will also bring this to others as you live and work with them.
Neuroscience meets Ancient Wisdom
What’s fascinating with mBraining is that science is finally catching up with deep insights from esoteric and spiritual traditions informing us for 1000’s of years that we have 3 intelligences of the Head, Heart and Gut.Now isn’t that amazing? We’ve known at a deep level across the ages and within our own lives, that our intelligencaes, wisdom and core life competences are not just embodied in the head.
Discover your keys to...
Establishing communication and alignment with your Head, Heart and Gut.Ensure each brain is operating from its highest expression.
Apply your highest expression for greater wisdom in decision making and action taking.